Healthy living for moms-to-be
For generations, women have been advised by elders and self-styled experts to follow tradition. "Don't take any medication if you are pregnant! It will affect the baby." They are also told not to go to the doctor till the first trimester is over.
Today we know that any genetic damage that may happen to the baby takes place in the first 12 weeks, so avoiding medication at that time makes sound sense. On the other hand, an early consultation will help the doctor start "preconception" care, the key to having a healthy baby.
Most of the advice given is standard. Don't drink or smoke (this includes exposure to second hand smoke), have screening tests to rule out anaemia, diabetes, hypertension and thyroid diseases. Make sure the immunizations are complete. Diseases like measles, mumps, German measles and chicken pox can cause abnormalities in the baby. These diseases can be prevented with immunization. Sometimes, diseases like typhoid or jaundice (hepatitis) complicate pregnancy. Timely immunization prevents these as well.
The body weight plays a vital role. The BMI (Body Mass Index), weight divided by height in meters squared, should be between 18 and 25. Ovulation (egg release) becomes irregular in women both above and below this range and if eggs are not released, pregnancy is not possible.
Exercise always helps. In the underweight, it helps to increase the appetite, making it possible to gain weight by eating high calorie foods and snacks. In the overweight, it helps to utilise the calories consumed. Exercise also helps to strengthen the core muscles of the back. This prevents the backaches associated with pregnancy. It also increases stamina and endurance, which in turn helps to withstand the rigours of normal labour.
A healthy balanced diet with carbohydrates, proteins and fat will provide sufficient calories. Four to six helpings of fruits and vegetables will usually provide essential vitamins and minerals.
Folic acid is a B group vitamin essential for a healthy baby. Deficiency has been associated with brain and spinal cord defects and cleft lip and palate. Folic acid is found in green peas, beans, papaya, cantaloupe and oranges. Synthetic folic acid is much better absorbed than the natural form. Supplements of 5 mg tablets should be started well before the marriage and definitely three months before a planned conception.
Prenatal vitamins are popular supplements. They usually contain iron, folic acid, calcium, and the vitamins D, A. E. Some of them also contain Omega 3 fatty acids (fish oil). The active component in this is docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The prenatal supplements are different from the multivitamins prescribed for the general population. The proportion of the vitamins is in sync for the pregnancy, with more folic acid and less vitamin A. Some contain zinc and copper as well. Zinc and iron compete for absorption from identical intestinal sites. Ideally, they should not be packed in the same tablet.
Once a woman is pregnant, the large size of the prenatal supplement may induce nausea. In that case plain folic acid tablets should be continued till the nausea and vomiting subside.
The writer is a paediatrician with a family practice at Vellore and author of "Staying Healthy in Modern India". If you have any questions on health issues please write to