Friday, March 24, 2017

mental illness

Mad? What lunacy!

Dr. Gita Mathai Health -
 Dr. Gita Mathai

Chronic illnesses come in many forms - arthritis, hypertension, diabetes, kidney failure - requiring a lifetime of regular medication. No one feels ashamed to admit that he or she suffers from these diseases. Mental illness, on the other hand, is hidden from the world and admitted to with shame. Such people are derisively called "lunatics", as though the moon was responsible for their behaviour!
Chemical imbalances in the blood cause diseases such as diabetes, and similar imbalances in the brain are responsible for mental illnesses. Both can be corrected and health maintained with with medication.
Almost 20 per cent of Indians (children, adolescents and adults) require treatment for mental illness. The number is apparently greater in urban areas. Some (adults and adolescents) suffer from major psychiatric illnesses such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, dementia or obsessive-compulsive behaviour.s.
In schizophrenia, the person has disorganised speech and behaviour and is out of touch with reality. Depression is diagnosed when instead of feeling low occasionally, there is social impairment and a loss of interest in activities. In anxiety, feelings are exaggerated and compounded. Constant worry prevents work and function. Bipolar people have violent mood swings, from hyperactive manic states to depression. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterised by repetitive unreasonable behaviour over which the person has no control. Post-traumatic stress disorder is a failure to recover fully after a terrifying event. An accident or a violent blow to the head can affect parts of the brain, leading to mental illness.
Children too can have a gamut of psychiatric disorders. But, as they grow physically, mentally and emotionally, it sometimes becomes difficult to draw a line between the outer edges of normalcy and psychiatric illness.
Children with anxiety respond to changed situations with fear and physical symptoms like sweating and a rapid heart rate. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is one of the most publicised disorders, and sometimes over diagnosed. These children cannot concentrate and are disruptive..
Mental illness can affect anyone at any time. It can be inherited. Even if a person is prone to mental illness genetically, it is often triggered by life situations and environmental stress. Antenatal factors like exposure to alcohol, drugs, illnesses or medication can affect the baby. .
Most mental illness can be controlled but not cured. Medication will gradually relieve the symptoms and help the person to cope. Drugs must be taken regularly. Decisions about increasing or reducing dosage must be left to professionals. Dosages vary from person to person even for the same diseases. Psychotherapy helps the person to talk through problems. Occupational therapy, physical exercise yoga and meditation may also be helpful.
To help prevent mental illnesses:
• Children should be taught to regularly exercise out of doors for at least an hour a day
• All children need peer companions. Friendships should be encouraged
• Kids need to be weaned off isolationist computer and video games
• They should be allowed to watch only restricted television programmes.
Dr Gita Mathai is a paediatrician and author of Staying Healthy in Modern India. Mail your questions to

Sunday, March 5, 2017

noise pollution

Noise: Silent killer

Dr. Gita MathaiYour Health - Dr. Gita Mathai

  • Normal conversation takes place at 55 decibels, anything above 85 decibels is harmful to our ears
Pollution comes in many forms - as additives and pesticides in our food, toxic fumes from factories and vehicles in the air we breathe, as green house gases in the atmosphere - and we are very aware of most of them. However, most of us remain blissfully unaware of is noise pollution and its myriad ill effects.
What exactly is noise pollution? Normal conversation takes place at around 55db (decibels); anything above 85db is harmful to our ears. You are immediate environment is too noisy if you have to speak loudly to make yourself heard, or turn up the volume of the television. Now, of course, you also have apps on your mobile phone that can tell you how much noise pollution you are putting up with.
In order to hear well, the fine hair called cilia in the cochlea (a part of the inner ear) has to be functioning well. Loud noises damage the cilia, resulting in hearing loss. This is usually symmetrical and affects both ears equally. It can affect only one ear if phones or music systems are held only on one side. This type of hearing loss, unlike presbycusis (age-related hearing loss) is 100 per cent preventable but not reversible. Progression can however be prevented.
Noise induced hearing loss happens so gradually that people do not realise it. Warning signs are when they find that following conversations becomes difficult, and, they have to ask people to repeat themselves. Sometimes, sounds in another room may be missed. There can be ringing in the ears (tinnitus) and loss of balance (vertigo). At this point, it is best to get the hearing professionally evaluated.
External sounds in the environment also affect our nervous system by releasing hormones and chemicals to produce a "flight or fight" reaction. If the sounds are prolonged, the body remains in a state of tension. Blood pressure can go up and heart disease can result.
Noise pollution has also been proven to cause nausea, anxiety, jitteriness, and anger. Arguments and fights can break out. Rhythmic beats can produce hysterical reactions in susceptible people. This can result in "pseudo possession" with them going into a trance and performing bizarre acts.
Sound is subconsciously considered a source of power. Vehicular traffic produces continuous sounds with motors revving and honks blaring. Some buses have "air horns" which they blow continuously while driving through traffic. Macho men drive motorcycles with silencers removed to increase the sound. The db at political rallies is not for the fainthearted. Our festivals, marriages and deaths are very noisy, with blaring music, and firecrackers.
Many people listen to music when they exercise. The "beat" of the song is adjusted. When the tempo is fast, people ran faster and when the tempo slowed they do too. Their effort and heart rate sync automatically with the music.
All this environmental noise enters our homes. We can reduce this by lining the walls with cupboards or bookshelves. Plants and shrubs also reduce noise. Televisions and smartphones can be silenced so that their continuous ringing and disruptive "pings" are at a minimum. Noise cancelling earphones can be used while travelling or if you work with loud machinery.
Noise pollution was less before automation and digitalisation. Despite this, Indians in the last century spent time in silent meditation. Today, it might be difficult to find a silent space, but, by using earplugs or noise cancelling earphones, it is possible. Ten minutes of silent meditation, especially if combined with deep breathing (20 times) three or four times a day, will do wonders to negate the impact of our noisy society.
Dr Gita Mathai is a paediatrician and author of Staying Healthy in Modern India. Mail your questions to yourhealthgm@