Monday, April 15, 2013

humble tomato

Red blobs of goodness
“Can you prescribe a good vitamin tonic or tablet?”
This is an oft-repeated request from patients. Vitamins are perceived to be a panacea for most illnesses, including listlessness, tiredness, failure to thrive as well as aches and pains. There may be some truth to this as vitamins and trace minerals are needed in small quantities (not mega doses) for survival. They maintain the integrity of the various cells and systems in the body. They are ingredients of enzyme systems that keep the body functioning efficiently.
Vitamin supplements, however, are a far cry from the natural product. Some tablets or tonics pack mega doses, most lack one or the other vital ingredient. Some combinations may actually be harmful. There really is no need to go for artificial substitutes when we have the real thing — tomatoes.
A single helping (150gm or one cup) of tomatoes is just 20 calories, with seven per cent fibre. It fills you up but does not contribute to weight gain. The fibre prevents constipation. More important, tomatoes contain all the essential vitamin groups — both fat soluble (A, D, E and K) and water soluble (C and B) — in an easy to digest form. It is also contains folate, a vitamin essential for pregnant mothers to prevent abnormalities in the brain and spine of the foetus. Folate also prevents anaemia and damage to the nerves. Tomatoes contain the trace minerals magnesium, phosphorus, chromium and copper, which are necessary to keep the body enzymes functioning efficiently. Chromium, for example, helps keep diabetes under control.
In addition, tomatoes contain lycophene — a carotenoid that is a powerful natural antioxidant, which is not destroyed by cooking. This means it is present in tomato sauces, soups and purees as well. It prevents damage to the heart muscle from naturally produced toxic free radicals. These free radicals are responsible for much of the damage to blood vessels. They also have a role in the development of cancer. By binding free radicals, lycophene has a protective, anti-cancer effect, particularly against cancer of prostate, breast and skin.
The brain and nervous system degenerate with age. There is forgetfulness, clumsiness, loss of balance and decline in reason and cognitive skills. A daily helping of tomatoes will retard this process and may produce improvement in memory. If you want to improve your child’s memory, instead of “memory capsules”, feed them a helping of tomato salad, homemade tomato soup, sauce or juice daily. An unexpected bonus will be that the damage caused to your child’s skin by the sun will also be repaired.
Not only are tomatoes good for skin but also hair — it improves texture and prevents hair loss. The high vitamin A content of tomatoes protects against night blindness and helps prevent macular degeneration, a cause of blindness in older people. Tomatoes also have high concentrations of natural anti-inflammatory agents that help fight pain, especially chronic pain like in arthritis.
A few studies have shown that tomato seeds contain a chemical called oxalate, which can combine with calcium (diet or supplements) and precipitate in the urine as kidney stones in susceptible people. If you have a family history of stones, it is better to remove the seeds. Or, drink lemon juice. The citric acid in the lime prevents the oxalate from precipitating.
Tomato farmers often use chemical fertilisers. These chemicals and other pollutants from the soil can leach into tomatoes. An allergic reaction with itching, rashes, abdominal pain or bloating may occur in susceptible individuals. To prevent this, grow your own tomatoes in crates or pots.
Dr Gita Mathai is a paediatrician with a family practice at Vellore. Questions on health issues may be emailed to her at

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